the transformative support

of an empowering community

We believe all children facing a parent's cancer deserve the chance to fully experience the joys of childhood and be their best selves.

Creating fun. Building community. Empowering the next generation.

Passionate college students lead our community. Working alongside alumni and supporters, they create experiences and connections where these children can process, connect, heal, and thrive.

At camp, we focus on creating fun experiences that help these children escape—even if for a short time—the challenges of coping with a parent's cancer diagnosis. Campers find adventure and creativity, build trust in themselves, and create new friendships. Many children say that Camp Kesem is the best week of the year, and we agree!

For many of the children and our volunteers, Kesem is a life-changing experience that spans far beyond a week at summer camp. It fosters bonds and understanding that builds resilience, confidence, and lasting feelings of hope and joy. That's the magic of Kesem.

Ready to register your child?
Sign up here!
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Camp Kesem has been magical for our daughter and family, providing support beyond what we could have ever imagined and really lifting up our daughter when she needed it. It's an incredible program that we are very grateful for!"
—kesem parent